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Dec. 2014, Jan. 2015 News 

February 2015


News from the President’s table


My dear brothers and sisters,


         The India Bible Mission wishes you a happy and blessed year 2015. When we look back into 2014 and far, we witness the mighty hand of the Holy Spirit, in our paths of evangelism.  Particularly in the last month of December, I have never experienced such a great revival and fellowship with Him and His people.


         Churches are growing in number and shining for His glory. The church at Badampudi was in a great trouble, as you know from the previous letters. After Bro Moses Kumar was ordained and appointed, it’s slowly started growing. Last month we had a fellowship in Holy Communion Table after two long years. Here the Christmas is celebrated on 24th with a small gathering.



        Bible study started at Bapatla and in the pastors meetings. The little ipad is serving the need of the hour. Praying for an LED projector.


        Pastors conferences were held separately for Northern pastors at Pedapalaparru on 16th and 18th for Southern pastors at Bapatla. Pastors are gifted with new clothes. At Bapatla the all night prayer conducted, where all the pastors and the believers prayed till morning. Believers are strengthened as God has answered many prayers.


      Christmas worships in all the churches are celebrated in the spirit of its truth and no fallowing the traditions. Gospel is preached basing on the birth of Christ. There were conversions and baptisms at Emani, Karlapalem and Vizag. Love feasts are shared within the churches.  An old woman, Kasulamma, by name has donated her living property for ministry. She was promised of her life time care by the President. Bro. Ratna Raju, the local pastor will take care of her.


       Churches fasted and watched the service on 31st night, welcoming the new-year. Church members are re-dedicated their lives by the inspiring messages of the night.

The construction work at Bapatla, hindered for want of money and sand. And there are proices to fulfill the construction, repairs of other churches. Please pray.


        I once again pray God to give you wisdom, strength, faith centered life and prosperity in this year 2015. God bless you


Your in Him




Santhi Raaz KZM



Year end Thanks giving prayer

February 2015

Christmas Celebrations

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