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March news from the President’s table



Dear Brothers and Sisters Greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

The March and beginning of April is the time of great revival. Revival meetings at Nelapadu under the prayerful leadership of Bro. J. Masthan Rao were conducted on 31st March and 1st April. It’s a hindu  village where the souls were started to win by Dr K Manoharam in 1980s. The first and early believers namely Mrs and Mr Prakasha Rao, who we can see in the pictures giving testimony, stood strong from the beginning. Many were brought unto the meetings and heard the Gods word. Two have accepted Lord Jesus as savior and baptized.

The Church in Head Quarters is in progress, as many believers are contributing with their might. Pastors meetings are conducted separately at Pedapalaparru for northern pastors and at HQ for Sothern pastors. Keep praying as the needs are more and resources are limited

Yours in Christ



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