Sharon House of Praise
T. P. Gudem Mdl., W. Godavari Dt.
Brief history....
Badampudi is a small native village of Bro. Raja Ratnam, father in law of Bro. Santhi Raaz. Bro Rajaratnam has owned an ancestral open plot. He had a mind to use it for God by constructing a church. The village has other churches with early and conventional christians. We noticed that the truth is not revealed. Bro Raaz and Bro. Rajaratnam prayed together and started to construct a church in 2003. By Gods grace it was finished in 2004 and dedicated on 28th August 2004. God helped us to provide a small accommodation for pastor to live with family. The Church is ready without members.
From then pastors pastors used to be appointed, and they too used to leave on different reasons. But every one contributed in their won way for its growth. We are concentrated on Hindu community, for who we strive hard. But we know its not so easy, unless God open the doors. His grace is not far unto them. So we are able to win a handful of souls unto Him.
since the church is very convenient, connected with train and bus and facilities, we seldom convene pastors conference here in this place.
Now brother Moses Kumar with his family working very hard to win the souls and to keep them. Please keep praying for to win more souls unto His kingdom.