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Come and see

what God has done:

 he is awesome

in his deeds toward

the children of man.


Ps. 66:5


February 2016

By His grace and mighty hand we are able to work in a successful way all through the January. I thank everyone who are supporting the mission. God will certainly bless them. The meetings in Vijayawada from 13th to 15th were a great blessing to the local church and to that area as well. God opened many hearts to receive Jesus as their personal savior. Nine people were baptized on 18th in the river Krishna.

January 2016



The India Bible Mission wishes you a happy, prosperous and a blessed year 2016. By God’s grace we are able to pass on all the hurdles in the year 2015 and stepped into the year 2016. God helped us to stay in Japan with my children for 45 days. During that time God has chosen me to be his witness.






Greetings from Japan, in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Its already a month have passed. God has wonderfully helped us during all these days. I came here in sickness and God gave me rest. God renewed my spirit and became strong to continue my services in India  in the company of my elder daughter Susanna and Son in law Issaya...

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