August news from the President’s table
Greetings to my brothers and sisters in the name of our Lord savior Jesus Christ. Let us all join together and praise, for He has done great deeds in the last month of August.
Church Plantation at Chigurukota: 1-3 August 2014
God opened a new door to evangelize at Chigurukota in Krishna District. With a little amount and the labour of our pastors, a small Prayer shed is constructed. Bro Shadrach and his wife are anointed during the revival meetings, to work there.
Work at Head Quarters:
After completing the Church plantation at the above place, I am proceeding to Bapatla to attend the next day worship. As I was rushing to board the train, my wallet was stolen. After making a complaint to the station police, I had to go with empty pockets. Though the devil plays its tricks, God has strengthened me and given me an opportunity to attend worship the HQ on 3rd Aug. 2014. The floor plan for the new church building is designed. It is estimated to the tune of 80 lakhs. It may increase more by the time of completion. Praying to lay the foundation on 17th Oct 2014. Still the plan is to get approved. Devil has taken revenge on my wife, by hurting her hand. Her right hand little finger is fractured and helpless. I had to help her all the month making time for His work.
Pastor’s appointment at Badampudi: 17th Aug. 2014
The work at Badampudi is a challenge before us. Though the church is provided with all amenities, somehow or other the door was not opening. Finally God has helped to find a pastor to work there. Bro. Moses Kumar came forward to share the burden. He is anointed on 17th Aug. to work here. We are praying to strengthen the work through the Children ministry. There is a school in front of the church. The children get their midday meal in the school. The orphans who stay with their grandparents / relatives are helpless. God inspired us to provide them night meal, education and to lead them unto God through prayers. Bro Moses Kumar with his family will take up the work from 7th Sep. 2014. This will cost Rs. 10,000/- per month.
Revival Meetings at Emani: 26, 27 Aug. 2014
Bro M Daniel our pastor has taken the burden to revive the church by holding the Annual meetings. Though it is a heavy down pour, God has brought a great revival in meetings. Pastors from other IBM churches also came and spread the gospel.
Youth Meeting at HQ. 29th Aug. 2014
The youth in Bapatla, my birth place as well as IBM HQ, are spoiled. They are not serious for their studies. They drink, play and unsuccessful. My heart beats for the youth of that and other places. After consulting the local employee’s God helped to hold a meeting exclusively for the students and the unemployed. After a month-long successful plan and organization, we hold the meeting On 29th Aug. It was very much blessed. Twenty students and five employees and two pastors attended. We had a work shop on their career. They need a helping hand to guide them. God gave me a vision to start a social activity through IBM. Accordingly I designed and named the unit as ‘Cheyootha’ means helping hand. The “Cheyootha” project started on the same day. I found that they need to develop soft and spoken skills. We are able to provide a temporary accommodation but need some used laptops to teach the soft skills. We are praying for them. I wish to extend this children and youth ministry to the other churches gradually, through “Cheyootha” project. All that I need is your kind prayers and support. I am very much thankful for those who are already supporting.
Yours In His service
Church Plantation,
Proposed Church model
Head Quarters
Bro. Moses Kumar
a newly appointed pastor at Badampudi
Youth meeting
under "Cheyootha"
at Bapatla